What type of man am I capable of attracting, I ask myself. Well, that depends on my self-image. Yesterday during my commute to work I pondered and meditated on the thought that people see me the way that I see myself. Honestly, I cant expect to be seen as a giant if I see myself as a grasshopper. In the same manner, I cant expect my husband to see me as confident, poised, sophisticated, beautiful, and kind if I see myself as weak, unattractive, lonely and frustrated with life.( I don't, but I'm just saying...) Taking a look back to my past relationship decisions, I remember when I dated an abuser.......that relationship ended (thank God!) but years down the line, I started talking to another guy who had the potential to be an abuser!! I saw all the warning signs and got out of there quick! But I had to ask myself....what's inside of me that's attracting this same type of guy?!?!.....It was my grasshopper mentality! I realized that behind my smiling face, cheerful voice, and mask of confidence was a weak, vulnerable person that was looking for a man to bring validation my life.........and men could see that. And they came to take advantage of what I was offering....a weak spirit. Though I'm far from being that weak-minded girl I was years ago, I can still improve my self- image......WE ALL CAN!!!! So I encourage you to join me in taking it up a notch in the way we see ourselves!......We must be the change that we're looking for!.....If we're overweight ( let's do something about it!), shy( let's do something about it!), don't like your skin texture, hair, whatever it is......(do something about it!).......You're beautiful. I give you full permission today to examine your heart, look at your life....take note of how you see yourself, and work on changing your self-image understanding that people will ONLY see you, based on how you see yourself!
Brightening my corner by improving the way I see myself!
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