As I drove home from 5AM prayer this morning, I focused in on the raindrops dancing across my windshield. I reflected on the crisp, breeze that hit my face as I walked to the car and I said to myself......its here! Boo season, cuddle season, snuggle up under the covers with your man and watch a movie season is here!!!!....Aaahhh! This is one of the many times of year that I can count on my environment to test my strength. Will I give in to the urge, the desire I have to cuddle with somebody or will I stay the course and remember that I am sacrificing now for something better later?....Hmmmm.....let's see? I think I'll wait. Ive been through this season before and I know that the rain will go away, the crisp days will soon be filled with sunlight and warmth, and I don't want to make a decision that I'll soon regret!! Ive waited all this time..........surely not to waste it on becoming involved in an emotional roller coaster of unfulfilled hopes and expectations because I want to cuddle!~ Girl, please.....Asheia....get it together! If you're cold, grab a blanket, and warm apple cider and call it a night!
Seriously, I know that there are so many women like me that are affectionate and long to be loved. But we are loved! We're loved by God, and we love ourselves......that's why we're waiting! Waiting for the best! And everyone deserves the best! Please don't allow the doom and gloom of rain clouds, and trees without leaves to cause you to doubt your self-worth! I don't care if you have 5 children, you've been divorced twice, you're overweight, have acne, and get paid minimum wage..........there is greatness inside of you! And there is a master plan, even for your life! .....Wait for the best, and yes you ARE worth the wait! Enjoy your life! Make the best of it! Smile!
Besides, you're not waiting alone!....I am walking with you.....every day, every decision, every moment I too am resisting all the temptations around me, and choosing to wait for Stratford!
Check out this YouTube video, and please.....dont be fooled by cuddle season!!
Dont Be Fooled by Cuddle season video on YouTube
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