Yesterday at work, I had a patient that needed me to "go to bat" for her with her doctor's office because she was being mistreated. As I talked to her, tears began to well up in my eyes and I became so angry inside because of her situation. Something inside of me rose up, and I was in!....Willing to go to war on this lady's behalf. I contacted her doctor's office and fought for her justice. We got the whole thing straightened out, and she was so grateful!
Oftentimes, we are in a position to really be the miracle that someone else needs and yet we are not willing to step outside of our comfort zone to lend a helping hand. Whether in prayer or in deed there are people, including our husbands/wives, looking for us to "go to war" on their behalf. As a single person, I hear other singles all the time talk about how they are "waiting on their husbands or looking for their wives" because they are ready to be HELPED. They are ready for somebody to start paying their bills, cooking their meals, etc. My question is........what will you contribute? Are you ready and willing to fight on behalf of the other person? Are you willing to fight for the marriage/the relationship when things go wrong? I understand that as a wife, I must "go to war" in prayer and in deed on my husbands' behalf.....lifting him up, strengthening him, keeping him encouraged. And I am SOO willing to do that. He NEEDS me to do that! But how can I fight if Ive never sharpened my weapons? How can I be expected to fight behind closed doors, in private, if I walk away from opportunities to help others, in public, on a daily basis!
Let's take our minds off of needing a miracle from someone, and shift to BEING a miracle FOR someone. Yes, I'm willing to fight......and I'm sharpening my weapons as I wait to be found.......but I ask , how willing are you?
Awesome post...we must be at the ready to engage the enemy on behalf of others. This is part of the love walk, and so sadly most of us are lacking in this area.